A Byte of Coding Issue 352

A Byte of Coding Issue 352

A Byte of Coding


Here’s the issue.

Published: 3 February 2024

Tags: architecture, infrastructure, philosophy

Vadim Kravcenko elaborates on what your technological priorities should be in the different stages of your company’s growth, as a technical leader.

Some highlights:

  • start off using tech you move the quickest with

  • prioritize devops when you’ve graduated to having a team of developers at your disposal

  • at the enterprise level you should be prioritizing hiring people smarter than you to take responsibility for different parts of the tech

Published: 22 November 2023

Tags: optimization, distributed systems, architecture

Jakob Holdgaard Thomsen, Vladimir Gavrilenko, Jesper Lindstrom Nielsen, and Timothy Smyth introduce Uber’s new load shedding library, Cinnamon.

Some highlights:

  • “uses century-old techniques to dynamically set thresholds for rejecting and estimating capacity of the services”

  • improves on previous Controlled Delay (CoDel) systems in a number of ways

  • “built as an RPC middleware that is easily imported by Uber’s Go services”

Published: 7 February 2024

Tags: haskell, functional programming

Bartosz Milewski discusses how linear lenses can be used for resource management in haskell.

Some highlights:

  • “main advantage of linear types in Haskell, other than dealing with external resources, is to allow safe mutation and non-GC memory management”

  • a linear function consumes its argument exactly once

  • with linear types, “every resource comes with a special primitive that gets rid of it”

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