A Byte of Coding Issue 357

A Byte of Coding Issue 357

A Byte of Coding


Hope you had a nice weekend. Here’s the issue.

Published: 17 February 2024

Tags: architecture, c#, design patterns

Oskar Dudycz implements the “closing the books” pattern in c# (with marten) using a cash register at a store as an example.

Some highlights:

  • walks through coding the implementation

  • “Keeping streams short is the most important modelling practice in Event Sourcing”

  • includes link to an article that covers event sourcing in greater detail

Published: 23 February 2024

Tags: postgres, database

Brian Pace conducts a “a closer examination of the Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) history files”.

Some highlights:

  • “PostgreSQL uses the concept of a timeline to identify a series of WAL records in space and time”

  • “A common mistake is to assume that a higher timeline number is synonymous with the most recent data”

  • Concludes with a list of steps that would help you determine the most “useful” timeline

Published: 22 February 2024

Tags: go

Valentin Deleplace dive’s into go’s slices package and how to use it effectively, by first illuminating how slices are represented in memory and their effect on garbage collection.

Some highlights:

  • covers recent adjustments to functions

  • “Internally, a slice contains a pointer, a length, and a capacity”

  • “Before Go 1.22, slices.Delete didn’t modify the elements between the new and original lengths of the slice”

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