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- A Byte of Coding Issue 370
A Byte of Coding Issue 370
A Byte of Coding Issue 370
I met up for some cocktails and then dinner with two readers yesterday. It was a really great time! Thanks for coming out Colin and Andreas. I’ll definitely be looking to organize similar events in the future. Our conversations ranged from the frustrations of debugging issues in IoT devices (hardware vs software) to geopolitics (after a couple of drinks heh).
Anyway, here’s the issue.
Published: 18 March 2024
Tags: sql, math, database
Jamie Brandon elucidates on how additions to sql (both features and optimizations) have made it inaccurate to consider it an exact representation of relational algebra.
Some highlights:
“In database theory, relational algebra is a theory that uses algebraic structures for modeling data, and defining queries on it with a well founded semantics”
scoping is where some of the largest differences are seen between real sql databases and theory
“for most of the history of sql we did not know how to translate it to relational algebra, and now that we do know most databases still don't do it”
Published: 14 February 2024
Tags: iot, reverse engineering, infosec
Scott Leggett reverse engineers the encrypted protocol used by a solar panel smart meter, in order to capture metric data locally.
Some highlights:
the device was not very secure
you can use encryption and still not have a secure system
leaving devices like this exposed on your home network can be risky business
Published: 13 December 2023
Tags: sponsored, auth, web
WorkOS describes what multi-factor authentication (MFA) is and why it’s useful.
Some highlights:
“it’s an added layer of security to your app that makes it more difficult for hackers or impersonators to steal and use a user’s credentials”
describe the different types of MFA
summarizes the back-end flow for different types of MFAs
Published: 9 July 2023
Tags: c#, optimization, simd, cpu, dotnet
Alexandre Mutel takes on the challenge of “How to find efficiently a specified int from an int[] using x86-64 SIMD instructions ?“.
Some highlights:
“One of the cool addition to .NET 7 are generic SIMD code via the namespace System.Runtime.Intrinsics that allows you to write SIMD code without dealing with specific CPU instructions, as long as the code stays simple and you can use the various existing methods available”
process requires writing the SIMD code and checking the ASM code it generates
stack spilling was the first performance issue tackled
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