A Byte of Coding Issue 376

A Byte of Coding Issue 376

A Byte of Coding


Last issue before the weekend. Hope you have a good one!

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Published: 27 March 2024

Tags: system design

Alessio Ferri and Tom Coggrave explain the thought process behind moving a large mainframe system to a cloud native application.

Some highlights:

  • used a ‘just enough, and just in time’ upfront design

  • the move was required because the old system made changes slow and expensive, it was expensive to maintain, and finding talent to maintain it was difficult

  • discusses “Incremental Legacy Displacement: Principles, Benefits, and Considerations”

Published: 27 March 2024

Tags: distributed systems, kafka

Yunji Zhong, Amit Gud, and Carlos Herrera describe the best practices of setting up multi-tenancy with kafka using a real example.

Some highlights:

  • system is used for testing traffic in production

  • isolating data on an infrastructure level prevents outages or other severe issues

  • “streamlined the test-and-release process for product team engineers through simple YAML file configurations while ensuring the security and isolation of each tenant’s data”

Published: 16 February 2024

Tags: sponsored, auth, architecture

WorkOS has published a guide that “surfaces complexities and implementation details for supporting organization modeling as part of the authentication and authorization layer for apps”.

Some highlights:

  • “if you ever want to sell to an enterprise your backend needs to be ready to support complex models of users and teams”

  • looks at the different ways you can implement the database tables for modeling the organization

  • most of the complexity comes from users that need to be a part of multiple organizations

Published: 18 February 2024

Tags: infosec, web

Paulos Yibelo presents a method for hijacking user interaction in a browser.

Some highlights:

  • hijacks space and enter key strokes

  • uses html id tags to select elements unbeknownst to the user

  • can be used to hijack accounts via oauth

With rising costs for Amazon S3 storage and potentially devastating business consequences from data loss, you need a holistic approach to cutting unnecessary spending and guarding against risks. Lawrence Miller, a consultant to multinational corporations who holds numerous networking certifications, has authored a concise volume that lays out the path to success in managing backup and compliance for S3 data lakes.

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