A Byte of Coding Issue 383

A Byte of Coding Issue 383

A Byte of Coding


I’m trying to get some information on the general demographics of you guys and gals. I’d really appreciate it if you could fill out the form here. This information is only used in aggregate form (ie, 20% of the audience does mobile development) when I’m trying to get sponsors for the newsletters. The stats are really compelling for potential sponsors, so any responses on the form are a huge help. Thank you.

Anyway, here’s the issue.

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Published: 31 March 2024

Tags: infosec, html, email, css

Konstantin Weddige explains how css can be used in html emails to hide content until it is forwarded.

Some highlights:

  • can use css styling to hide content in an html email until it’s forwarded to someone

  • dependent on specific email client that is used

  • includes examples on how to do it in web outlook, gmail, and thunderbird

Published: 8 April 2024

Tags: database, postgres, data

Ryan Booz describes how common table expressions (CTEs) can be used in postgres to transform data, changing ETL (extract, transform, load) pipelines to ELT. I actually use these a lot for queries on my own data heavy websites (findenergy.com and elderguide.com).

Some highlights:

  • CTEs can be used to outline the steps in a transformation process

  • useful for debugging, since you can add a select statement after any CTE to see its output

  • allows you to use a lot of built-in functions that postgres has for data transformation (like aggregate functions)

Published: 25 January 2024

Tags: sponsored, auth

WorkOS discusses what Directory Sync and System for Cross Identity Management are, and why they’re necessary for large organizations.

Some highlights:

  • Directory sync “automates the lifecycle management process by providing a single source of truth for identity”

  • “SCIM is an open source protocol for implementing Directory Sync”

  • Includes comparison to just-in-time provisioning

Published: 9 April 2024

Tags: llm, ai, philosophy

Malte Skarupke outlines how he uses LLM tools for writing code.

Some highlights:

  • more useful for junior developers as opposed to seniors

  • good for stuff you’re familiar with, but don’t do often enough to have it memorized

  • “You need to be more of a critic, editor and reviewer”

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