A Byte of Coding Issue 384

A Byte of Coding Issue 384

A Byte of Coding


If you still haven’t filled out the form from yesterday’s issue, please do it here.

Have a good weekend and here’s the issue!

PS. Gonçalo Valério covers some cool tools you can use with local LLMs. Also I’m now addicted to this song. Pretty poppy, but I can appreciate any music genre.

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Published: 10 April 2024

Tags: git

Julia Evans shares some notes on figuring out what exactly is wrong in git errors.

Some highlights:

  • has push, pull, checkout, switch, checkout, status, rebase, and clean

  • useful if you don’t use git CLI much

  • the error messages are generally pretty good once you have a basic understanding of how git works

Published: 9 April 2024

Tags: math, chess, algorithms

Kevin Galligan dives into the ELO function for scoring players in chess (also many other games) and how it can fluctuate.

Some highlights:

  • based on a sigmoid function

  • has ambiguity in regards to how often a player will win and doesn’t account for first move advantage

  • fluctuations of up to 100 points across 100 games are pretty normal

Published: 10 February 2024

Tags: sponsored, auth, architecture

WorkOS has published a guide that “surfaces complexities and implementation details” for supporting user-team-organization relationships in B2B auth.

Some highlights:

  • “if you ever want to sell to an enterprise your backend needs to be ready to support complex models of users and teams”

  • looks at the different ways you can implement the database tables for modeling the organization

  • most of the complexity comes from users that need to be a part of multiple organizations

Published: 10 April 2024

Tags: postgres, database

David Christensen explores how to cleanup postgres extensions, in the context of a recent experience he had with dropping a cron based extension that caused errors due to the cron job still running.

Some highlights:

  • “When Postgres removes an extension (via the DROP EXTENSION command), it will also remove any dependent objects that were created for this extension”

  • event triggers and associated functions are used to run on extension drop to clean up

  • have to drop event trigger, associated function, and extension schema

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