A Byte of Coding Issue 402

A Byte of Coding Issue 402

A Byte of Coding


Not tech related, but I read this interesting article on how the birth date of males for a species of squid determines what mating tactic they use for life. It made me think of the zodiac and astrology. Interestingly the latter assigns personality traits depending on the position of certain planets (and stars?), unlike the squid, whose personality traits depend on environmental factors (ie temperature of water). Why did astronomical factors become more popular than local ones for people?

Anyway, here’s the issue.

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Published: 4 May 2024

Tags: rust, oop

Leonora Tindall proposes “the use of ‘method’, in Rust, to refer specifically to associated functions which would be object safe if put in a trait”.

Some highlights:

  • programmers often act like ‘OOP’ is one big concept, when, really, it’s more like a kind of Vietnamese spring roll of concepts that can be inserted or taken out depending on preference”.

  • In rust, an object is “a type with a name including dyn Trait”.

  • “In Rust, grouping values by trait rather than type is done through dynamic dispatch”.

Published: 14 May 2024

Tags: software design, philosophy

Laurence Tratt discusses the interacting factors that define the nature of software. He explores how software exists in a state between real-world constraints and fantastical possibilities, highlighting the complexities involved in specifying and observing software's behavior.

Some highlights:

  • Software exists between the physical world's hard constraints and the fantasy of limitless possibilities, which impacts its development and understanding.

  • The "circular specification problem" suggests that fully understanding what software should do often only comes after its creation, complicating development.

  • The "observer effect" in software shows that seeing software in action can change perceptions and requirements, influencing its final form.

Published: 22 November 2023

Tags: sponsored, web

PowerSync dives into why offline-first / local-first apps are advantageous and worth building.

Some highlights:

  • Outlines the technical advantages, including fewer back-end compute resources, reduced API burden, and simplified state management.

  • Describes the UX improvements, including speed and offline use.

  • Highlights important design considerations.

Published: 10 May 2024

Tags: project management, philosophy, business

Not a typically technical article, but interesting for the more business-oriented. David Bryant Copeland emphasizes the importance of providing and delivering on estimates in software development. He argues that estimates, when done well, build trust and improve project outcomes by aligning expectations and facilitating project management.

Some highlights:

  • Providing accurate estimates requires experience and honest assessment of what can be achieved within a given timeframe.

  • Estimates help in managing project delivery and stakeholder expectations, reinforcing trust when they are met.

  • Copeland suggests strategies for estimation that include assessing known quantities, accommodating uncertainties, and revising estimates based on ongoing project insights.

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